Install Pelican on macOS

This document explains how to install Pelican on macOS.

Install Pelican as a standalone binary

Pelican provides a binary file instead of a DMG installer for macOS. You need to download and extract the binary and add the binary to your PATH environment variable.

  1. Navigate to Pelican download page and select the Pelican macOS binary you want to install.

  2. In the Operating System section, select macOS. In Architectures section, select X86_64 or ARM64 depending on the architecture of your machine.

  3. In the list of candidates, copy the link to pelican_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz if you select X86_64, or pelican_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz if you select ARM64.

  4. Change the following command with the link to the binary you copied in the previous step and run the command:

    wget <replace-with-the-link-you-copied>
    tar -zxvf pelican_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz // ARM user

    Note that you need to replace pelican_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz with pelican_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz if you are running an X86 machine.

    Example to install Pelican binary for an ARM machine:

    curl -O
    tar -zxvf pelican_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz
  5. The above command extracted the binary from the tar file. You may run the binary in the current folder, but it is recommended that you add Pelican binary to your PATH environment variable to allow pelican to be called directly from your command line. To run Pelican binary from the download folder:

    $ cd pelican_Darwin_arm64 # Go to the binary folder
    $ ./pelican --version # Run Pelican binary
    Version: 7.5.8
    Build Date: 2024-03-01T18:13:00Z
    Build Commit: d260a07d3b057d19b7fdd36125f91a8768531258
    Built By: goreleaser

Add Pelican binary to your PATH

  • Add Pelican binary to your PATH for the current terminal

    $ cd pelican_Darwin_arm64 # Go to the binary folder
    $ export PATH=$PWD:$PATH # Add current folder to the PATH
    $ pelican --version # Run Pelican binary
    Version: 7.5.8
    Build Date: 2024-03-01T18:13:00Z
    Build Commit: d260a07d3b057d19b7fdd36125f91a8768531258
    Built By: goreleaser
  • Add Pelican binary to your PATH permanently

    $ cd pelican_Darwin_arm64 # Go to the binary folder
    $ echo "export PATH=$PWD:\$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc # Add the current folder to your .zshrc file
    $ source ~/.zshrc # Apply the change
    $ pelican --version # Run Pelican binary
    Version: 7.5.8
    Build Date: 2024-03-01T18:13:00Z
    Build Commit: d260a07d3b057d19b7fdd36125f91a8768531258
    Built By: goreleaser

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