Advanced Usage

Advanced Usage - Servers

This page documents advanced usage of Pelican servers. Features listed below are for server admins familiar with Pelican Servers.

Pre-generate Server Credentials

Server Private Key

Note: The server private key should be treated as a secret and never shared with the public.

Pelican servers rely on an ECDSA key-pair for signing and verifying tokens used in API requests and object accesses. Pelican servers automatically generate a private key in ECDSA form at the server start, and provide the public key through the OIDC-style discovery endpoint at /.well-known/openid-configuration. The public key is useful for various things including Origin namespace prefix registration at the registry (see details here).

In deployment, it can be convenient to generate the key-pair in advance and mount the private key file to the Pelican server via configuration variable, especially in a container environment. The Pelican CLI comes with a command pelican generate keygen for generating private/public key pairs:

pelican generate keygen

and Pelican will generate both the private key and the public key under the current working directory:

Successfully generated keys at:
Private key: /path/to/issuer.jwk
Public Key: /path/to/issuer-pub.jwks

You can change the location of the generated keys by passing in arguments private-key and/or public-key:

pelican generate keygen --private-key /tmp/foo --public-key /tmp/bar

The generated private key can be passed to a Pelican server via IssuerKey configuration parameter so that the server will take advantage of the generated key instead of generating a new key.

IssuerKey: /path/to/generated/issuer.jwk

Admin Website Password

The pelican generate command generates the htpasswd (opens in a new tab) password file for storing the admin website login password. By pre-generating the htpasswd file, Pelican server admin can skip the initial website setup with the one-time passcode. To generate a password file, run:

pelican generate password

and Pelican will prompt you to enter and confirm the password:

Enter your password:
Confirm the password:
Successfully generated the admin password file at: /path/to/server-web-passwd

You can change the location of the generated htpasswd file by the -o or --output argument. You can also provide the file that contains your password through the -p or --password argument.

pelican generate password -o /path/to/generated-htpasswd-file -p /path/to/password

The generated htpasswd file can then be passed to the Pelican server via Server.UIPasswordFile configuration parameter.

  UIPasswordFile: /path/to/generated-htpasswd-file