Monitoring Pelican Services

Query Pelican Server Metrics via Prometheus

For Pelican >= 7.4.2. Older version of Pelican may not include all of the metrics listed.

Pelican servers have Prometheus (opens in a new tab) embedded by default and provide a handful of Prometheus metrics to monitor server status. You can access the metrics endpoint at https://<pelican-server-host>:<server-web-port>/metrics to see all the available metrics and their current values. By default, /metrics is a protected endpoint and you are required to login and get authenticated to view the page. You can change Monitoring.MetricAuthorization to false in config to turn off the authentication.

Pelican also exposes Prometheus PromQL query engine (opens in a new tab) at https://<pelican-server-host>:<server-web-port>/api/v1.0/prometheus where you can query the metrics against Prometheus powerful query language.

Example: https://<pelican-server-host>:<server-web-port>/api/v1.0/prometheus/query?query=pelican_component_health_status[10m] queries the pelican_component_health_status metric and shows data collected in past 10 min.

However, Pelican does not support Prometheus native /graph endpoint nor other Prometheus native web services other than the two above. For custom data visualizations, Grafana (opens in a new tab) is one of the popular software to use.

Pelican included metrics from built-in gin (opens in a new tab) web server, as well as Go runtime. For all metrics available, visit https://<pelican-server-host>:<server-web-port>/api/v1.0/prometheus/label/__name__/values.

Pelican also has a set of built-in metrics to monitor Pelican server's status, listed below.

All Servers

All of the Pelican servers have the following metrics:


The UNIX epoch time in seconds since the Pelican process started. To get the duration of the Pelican server running time, use the following PromQL:

time() - process_start_time_seconds

This yields the duration in seconds.


The health status of Pelican server components. The metric value can be converted into following status:

1: Critical
2: Warning
3: OK
4: Unknown

Label: component

Label ValueDescriptionAvailability
web-uiAdmin websiteAll servers
xrootdXRootD processOrigin and cache servers
cmsdCMSD processOrigin and cache servers
federationAdvertisement to the DirectorOrigin and cache servers
registryNamespace registration at the RegistryOrigin and cache servers
directorObject transfer tests from the DirectorOrigin and cache servers
topologyData fetch from the OSDF topology serverAll servers (OSDF mode only)


The timestamp of last update of health status of Pelican server components. The value is UNIX time in seconds. It shares the same label as pelican_component_health_status

Storage Servers (Origin and Cache)


The total number of XRootD monitoring (opens in a new tab) UDP packets received.


The number of XRootD scheduler threads. Ref: (opens in a new tab)

Label: status

Label ValueDescription
idleScheduler threads waiting for work
runningScheduler threads running


The total number of bytes XRootD sent/received. Ref: (opens in a new tab) (See and link.out)

Label: direction

Label ValuesDescription
txBytes sent
rxBytes received


The total number of server connections to XRootD.


The storage volume usage on the storage server.

Label: type

Label ValuesDescription
totalTotal bytes visible on the storage server
freeAvailable bytes to use

Label: server_type

Label ValuesDescription
OriginOrigin server
CacheCache server

Label: ns

The top-level namespace the XRootD is serving for. Example: /foo


The bytes of transfers for individual object. Ref: (opens in a new tab) (See XrdXrootdMonStatXFR)

Label: path

The path to the object (filename).

Label: ap

Authentication protocol name used to authenticate the client. Default is https

Label: dn

Client’s distinguished name as reported by ap. If no name is present, the variable data is null.

Label: role

Client’s role name as reported by prot. If no role name is present, the variable data is null.

Label: org

Client’s group names in a space-separated list. If no groups are present, the tag variable data is null.

Label: proj

Client’s User-Agent header when requesting the file. This is used to label the project name that accesses the file.

Label: type

Label ValuesDescription
readBytes read from file using read()
readvBytes read from file using readv()
writeBytes written to file


The number of transfer operations performed for individual object. The labels for this metric is the same as the ones in xrootd_transfer_bytes


The number of segments in readv operations for individual object. The labels for this metric is the same as the ones in xrootd_transfer_bytes except that type label isn't available in this metric.



The Pelican director scrapes Prometheus metrics from all origins and cache servers that successfully advertise to the director. This metric reflects the Pelican origin or cache servers that are scraped by the director.

Label: server_name

The name of the storage server. By default it's the hostname.

Label: server_type

Label ValuesDescription
OriginOrigin server
CacheCache server

Label: server_url

The storage server XRootD url.

Label: server_web_url

The storage server web url.

Label: server_auth_url

The storage server authentication url.

Label: server_lat

The storage server latitude.

Label: server_long

The storage server longitude.

# of Active Origins and Caches

With the up metric, it is possible to count number of active origin and cache servers in the federation by a simple Prometheus query: count(up{server_type=<"Origin">}) for counting origin servers, or count(up{server_type=<"Cache">}) for counting cache servers.


The accumulated number of origin/cache advertisements to the director. This metric shows if an origin/cache server successfully joins the federation or not. For origin servers, it also shows if each federation namespace prefix it exports passed director verification.

Label: server_name

The name of the storage server. By default it's the hostname.

Label: server_type

Label ValuesDescription
OriginOrigin server
CacheCache server

Label: server_web_url

The storage server web url.

Label: namespace_prefix

The federation namespace prefix the storage server exported.

Label: status_code

The status code of the director's response. The most useful value is 403, which means the server advertisement didn't pass director's verification.

Label ValuesDescription
200Advertisement succeeded
403Advertisement verification failed
500Director has errors when verifying or saving the advertisement


The accumulated number of stat query the director made to origin/cache servers to check for object availability. Only available when Director.EnableStat is set to true. This metric is a good indicator of object availability and origin/cache service quality.

Label: server_name

The name of the storage server. By default it's the hostname.

Label: server_type

Label ValuesDescription
OriginOrigin server
CacheCache server

Label: server_url

The storage server XRootD url.

Label: result

The stat query result.

Label ValuesDescription
SucceededThe object requested is on the server
NotFoundThe requested object could not be found on the server
TimeoutThe query exceeded the allotted time and was not completed.
CancelledThe query is cancelled as maximum number of responses has been reached
ForbiddenThe object request was denied due to lack of permissions or missing token
UnknownErrAn unexpected error occurred. Typically when the server refused to connect


The ongoing stat queries at the server. Note that Prometheus samples the metric value per 15s, and each stat request only takes ~10-100ms to finish. The value of this metric can't capture per-second transient requests.

Label: server_name

The name of the storage server. By default it's the hostname.

Label: server_type

Label ValuesDescription
OriginOrigin server
CacheCache server

Label: server_url

The storage server XRootD url.


The number of file transfer test suite the director issued. In Pelican, director creates a test file and sent to origin servers to as a health test. It issues such test suite when it receives the registration from the origin server. In a test suite, a timer was set to run a cycle of uploading, getting, and deleting the test file every 15 seconds. Such cycle is called a "test run". In theory, director should issue only one test for each origin servers; however, since the registration information was stored in a TTL cache in director, and it expires after certain period of time, and the test suite issued will be cancelled. A new test suite is issued with the new registration. Thus, director can issue multiple test suites to an origin server.

Label: server_name

The name of the storage server. By default it's the hostname.

Label: server_type

Label ValuesDescription
OriginOrigin server
CacheCache server

Label: server_web_url

The storage server web url.


The number of active director file transfer test suite. As mentioned in previous metric, the test suites are individual tasks running independently from the main program logic. This can cause race condition in some condition where an expired test suite was not cleared but a new test suite is issued for the same origin. This metric records such condition for debugging and monitoring. The value of the metric should be 1 for all the time.

This metric shares the same label as pelican_director_total_ftx_test_suite


The number of file transfer test runs the director issued. A "test run" is a set of upload/get/delete of test files to a origin. It executes in a cycle of 15s (by default).

This metric shares the same label as pelican_director_total_ftx_test_suite, with two additions:

Label: status

Label ValuesDescription
SuccessThe test run succeeded
FailedThe test run failed

Label: report_status

Label ValuesDescription
SuccessThe reporting to the origin of test run status succeeded
FailedThe reporting to the origin of test run status failed