Serving a Pelican Director

The Pelican Director handles data distribution in a Pelican federation. It directs object requests from Pelican Clients to the proper object provider (which can be an Origin or a Cache). It also maintains a collection of actively running Origin/Cache servers in the federation.

Before Starting

Get MaxMind License key (required)

A Pelican director uses the MaxMind GeoLite City database (opens in a new tab) to determine which cache is nearest to a client's IP address. The database, if not already found, will be downloaded automatically when a director is served and a valid key is present. The database is free to use, but you need a GeoLite2 account and provide a license key to Pelican so that we can download the database for you. Please follow the instructions here (opens in a new tab) to register a free account (opens in a new tab) and get your license key (opens in a new tab).

Once you have the key, copy and paste it to a desired location on your server. Then pass the file location to Director.MaxMindKeyFile.

Set Registry URL (required)

A Pelican director needs to talk to the registry to get the public keys for namespaces. You will need to set Federation.RegistryUrl to the public endpoint of your registry for your Pelican director to work. An example value looks like

Director as a Federation

For Pelican origin, cache, and client, they need to know where the federation they belong to so that they can make themselves known to other services or a access objects. This can be done by either manually passing configuration values (e.g. Federation.DirectorUrl, Federation.RegistryUrl, etc) or by setting the Federation.DiscoveryUrl and Pelican will fetch the metadata from the endpoint automatically. Pelican uses Federation.DiscoveryUrl to discover where a federation's central services live, including the registry and director.

By default, Pelican director hosts the federation discovery endpoint. Therefore, for origins and caches in your federation, as well as Pelican clients that want to access objects in your federation, their Federation.DiscoveryUrl value can be set to the director's public URL, i.e. https://<your-director-hostname>:<director-web-port> or https://<your-director-hostname> if the port number is simply 443.

Make sure your director is up and running before starting your origins and caches.

Set Support Contact Information (Recommended)

Director.SupportContact is only available for Pelican >=7.7.0

The Pelican director is your federation's entrypoint, and it is where other services in the federation can learn about each other. Because of this, it is also used to host the contact information for federation administrators. Setting values for the configuration options Director.SupportContactEmail and Director.SupportContactUrl causes the director to display the information through its website so that users know who and how to contact you for support. See Configuration page for details.

  SupportContactEmail: <your support email>
  SupportContactUrl: <url to other support resources>

Note that either SupportContactEmail or SupportContactUrl are optional. You may leave any of them empty is not needed.

Launch the Director

That's it! Now you can launch the director by running the following command:

pelican director serve

and you will see the following message:

Pelican admin interface is not initialized
To initialize, login at https://<hostname>:8444/view/initialization/code/ with the following code:

By default, a director runs on port 8444. You may change the port number by passing -p <port> when serving the director or by setting Server.WebPort in the configuration file.

To finish setting up the web UI for the director, please refer to Login to Admin Website for details. Once you have finished the initialization and login with your admin password, you should be able to see the following page as an admin user (lists are expected to be empty at a fresh start):

Image of director homepage in admin view

The "Origins" table and "Caches" table show the active origins and caches in the federation.

Useful Configurations for Director

There are a couple of configuration parameters you could use to customize the behavior of your registry. Here we highlight the ones that are most frequently set for an admin. You may refer to the full set of director parameters in the Parameters page.


A Pelican director by default redirects object request from clients to the geo-spatially nearest cache in the federation to improve data transfer efficiency. If a director is hosted at (opens in a new tab), then a GET request to (opens in a new tab) will be redirected to the nearest cache for namespace /foo. You may change the default response type of a redirect for director by setting Director.DefaultResponse. It can be either cache or origin. If set to origin, director will redirect the request to the origin, bypassing caches.


The MaxMind database may fail to return a valid longitude/latitude pair given a server IP. For example, the database does not support IPV6 addresses. In such cases, you may pass a list of IP addresses to GeoIPOverrides parameter whose GeoIP resolution should be overridden with the supplied Lat/Long coordinates (in decimal form). This affects both server ads (for determining the location of origins and caches) and incoming client requests (for determining where a client request is coming from).

Director.CacheResponseHostnames and Director.OriginResponseHostnames

You may allow the director to redirect client traffic to both caches and origins. You can do it by adding virtual hostnames to Director.CacheResponseHostnames for a cache response or Director.OriginResponseHostnames for an origin response. If a request is sent by the client to one of these hostnames, the director assumes it should respond with a redirect to a cache/origin.

If present, the hostname is taken from the X-Forwarded-Host header in the request. Otherwise, Host is used.